About Us
Performance Results Plus Inc. manufactures and distributes hydrological instrumentation equipment as designed by the U.S. Geological Survey in accordance with its precise standards. We provide the people with the best available tools to perform highly accurate water measurement. Custom-designed instrumentation equipment can be provided by our engineering staff as required to meet your exact hydrologic measurement needs. Our company has manufactured USGS hydrologic instrumentation equipment for over 100 years and can provide you with high quality equipment at competitive prices and dependable delivery schedules. Hydrologic Instrumentation is our first business, and we are dedicated to maintaining high standards and meeting the demands of our customers worldwide.
Most of the hydrological equipment presented here has been designed and developed by the United States Geological Survey, Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility which is located at Stennis Space Center, Mississippi. The USGS currently uses this equipment for its continuing hydrological data gathering and water resource investigation projects throughout the U.S.A. The sediment samplers were designed and developed by the Federal Inter-Agency Sedimentation Project, and are used by the USGS and other federal agencies which have the responsibility for taking sediment load and water quality samples.
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