Cost and Accuracy Comparisons
Mechanical Current Meter System with AquaCalc Versus Other Point Velocity Discharge Systems
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The Model 4765, 4770 and 4780 BOC or commonly called travellerways use the same basic design
philosophy just two different sizes. The Model 4765 is used for spans up to 100 meters and the Model 4770
is designed for spans up to 180 meters and the Model 4780 designed for up to 240 Meters. All three
BOC Models can designed for up to 150 kg weights, with the Model 4780 standard.
A travellerway is the support towers and main cable system together with a gaging winch and cables
used for stream gaging and sediment sampling. It is used in locations where there are no bridges or the
stream is unsuitable for safe boat gaging. The Model 4765 winches are light enough to be transported in
a normal field vehicle. For permanent or long term installations, the winch is generally located in a shed.
The Model 4770 and 4780 are designed for permanent installations on larger streams or rivers. The
principal advantage of the double drum winch is the ease of traversing as the forces exerted by the
sounding weight or sampler are largely cancelled out.
As shown, a basic Rickly Hydrological Co., Inc Travellerway BOC consists of the following: