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USGS Wire Weight Gauge

Item No.:
40.00 LBS

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A wire weight gauge is a device that can be bolted to a bridge or railing or other structure over a body of water to obtain water surface gauge heights. It is manually read by opening the protective cover and cranking down a weight until the weight touches the water. A counter is provided to automatically give the output of the cable and determine the water height in increments of 0.01 feet.

A horizontal checking bar is mounted at the lower edge of the instrument so that when it is moved to the forward position the bottom of the weight will rest on it. The gauge is set so that when the bottom of the weight is at the water surface, the gauge height is indicated by the combined readings of the counter and the graduated disc. The wire-weight gauge is used as an outside reference gauge.

The size of the wire weight gauge is approximately 15 inches wide by 13 1/2 inches high by 9 1/2 inches deep (38 cm by 34 cm by 24 cm). The protective cover can be locked in place. The new HIF design features an integral latch protector cast with the cover and stronger backplate for added vandalism protection.

The rear (mounting) cover of the wire weight gauge assembly can be individually drilled to meet mounting requirements at each particular location. The maximum length of the cable is 90 feet (27.4 meters). The gauge is sold complete with weight and cable.