Cost and Accuracy Comparisons
Mechanical Current Meter System with AquaCalc Versus Other Point Velocity Discharge Systems
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The Toutle River sediment sampler is a 160 lb. (81.7 kg) cable-suspended bedload sampler with a 6"x 12" inlet nozzle and 1.4 expansion ratio. This is made from 1/4" steel plate and has its own sediment bag. This sampler comes in a smaller version if the heavy weight is not needed, The US-ER1-Elwha sediment sampler, 404-032. It has a 4" x 8" inlet nozzle and 1.4 extension ratio and weighs 52 lbs.
404-030 US-TR2-Toutle Sediment Sampler
404-032 US-ER1-Elwha Sediment Sampler